First of all, you must have realize what global warming has done to us, to our earth. It's getting hotter everyday, carbon is filling the lung of little one (B.E.P's lyric). So what are we going to do with this condition? Just wait for the government or WWF to act? The answer is no! We must act for ourselves, effective and immediate!
But the question is still there, What exactly can we do to stop this climate change? In Indonesia, the effect is really about climate change, at my elementary school, I used to learn that dry season is around April - October, and the raining season is around October - April. But this day, that lesson is about to change I think, because it's the opposite. The fact is no one knows when it's raining season or dry season, only God knows (I really doubt it though).
So enter your vote now!
Earth or Global Warming?
8:30PM local time, wherever you live on planet earth. Saturday 28 March 2009
So this Earth hour is an act to try save the world, and the action is really simple. All you got to do is turn off all your electric source appliance for one hour. Simply black out your house! What's the effect for getting our house black out? I got one message yesterday, that says thisSo as you think it's simple, DO IT!
One hour of the blackout, we save about 300 Megawatt.
It's enough for around 900 village.
We save 200 million rupiahs.
We reduced CO2 emission about 284 ton.
We save about 284 trees.
We produce clean air for about 568 person.
One hour! You, me, us can save the Earth!
Earth Hour
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