Saturday, September 12, 2009

Goodbye my lover

I'm going to share a song, that to me it's so deep.. Not that I am saying goodbye to my lover :p.. But everytime I heard this song, specially the live version, I wanna cry sometimes.. It has so deep meaning..

My message to all of you who are being forced separated with your lover, don't be sad all the time, live has every aspect that you want to enjoy, every pain bring new experience, every sadness bring happiness. If you feel that you'd better die, stop thinking that, that's the easy part, just die and don't experienced all the pain, but you are wrong. Keep living, put the pieces together and become somebody stronger that before, that's the hard part, so you may think again before ending you're live..


Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blind and I knew I had won.

So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.

You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind but then I knew it,
My heart was blinded by you.

I've kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.(2x)

I am a dreamer and when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be

I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.

I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.(2x)

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.(2x)

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.(2x)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beautifully Imperfect

Thanks to Tris Setiawan, I got this video, a very touching video that describe the beauty of imperfect.

Click here to watch video

This is the full transcript:

Mrs Lee: "I am not going to sing praises for my late husband. Not today. Neither am I going to talk about how good he was. Enough people had done that here. Instead, I want to talk about some things that will make some of you feel a bit uncomfortable.

First off, I want to talk about what happen in bed. Ever had difficulty starting your car engine in the morning? CWOOOK CREEEK CWAAAAK CROOOOOOOAK. Well, that’s exactly what David’s snoring sounded like. But, wait. Snoring wasn’t everything.

There was also this “rear-end wind action” going on as well. Some nights, it would be so forceful that it would wake him up. “What was that?” he would ask. “Oh, it’s the dog,” I would say, “go back to sleep, dear.”

Oh, you might find this all very funny but towards the end of his life, when his illness was at his worst, these sounds indicated to me that my David was still alive. And what I wouldn’t give just to hear those sounds again before I sleep. In the end, it’s these small things that you remember. The little imperfections that make them perfect for you.

So, to my beautiful children, I hope one day, you too will find yourselves life partners who are as beautifully imperfect as your father was to me."

At the very last word from me, this video make a point for all of us, if you notice, the husband is a Chinese and the wife is an Indian. This proves to us that race is not a problem for any love, if two people decide they can accept each others imperfection, then it will be perfect for both. And the last meaning to me, that no matter imperfect you are, that is the thing that makes you remember, imperfect things that will make you perfect!

*I snore :p.. So I am a little bit happy to see this video.. lol..

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Platinum Rule

Kemaren abis ntn How I met your mother, ada keinget satu yg lucu tentang Platinum Rule si Barney Stinson..

Bentar-bentar, gue ceritain dl ya..

1. Barney adalah satu tokoh di film serial How I met your mother yang jago banget ngehit cewe, dan dia punya segudang rule, aturan, dll mengenai cewe, antara lain: Crazy Eyes, Hot/Crazy Scale, Lemon Law, dll.
2. Platinum rule berlaku untuk kalian yg sedang ingin pedekate dengan teman dekat yg kalian temui setiap hari.

Kalau 2 point itu udah dibaca, ini adalah platinum rule selengkapnya:

Step 1: Attraction - The ignition of desire
Tahap pertama adalah "Tertarik", dimana kita mulai tertarik sama temen kita yang udah tiap hari ketemu itu ;)

Step 2: Bargaining - Weighing the possibilities with close friends
Setelah tertarik, kita pasti memikirkan, apa aja kemungkinannya jadian sama temen deket.. Contohnya: Enak ada yg nemenin makan tiap hari, ada yg temenin setiap saat

Step 3: Submission - Jumping in
Akhirnya step 3, lu memutuskan untuk jadian sama dia.. :D

Step 4: Perks - Relishing in the "benefits" of the relationship
Akhirnya setelah jadian, lu merasakan keuntungan dari jadian tersebut, yang sudah dipikirkan di tahap 2 ;)

Step 5: The Tipping Point - Where it starts to go downhill
akhirnya lu sampai di puncak, dan itu adalah saat semuanya mulai turunnnnn...

Step 6: Purgatory - The culmination of annoyances
Akhirnya lu mulai merasa terganggu :p.. Yang dlnya tiap hari enak ditemenin makan, sekarang bosen.. Sekarang mulai terganggu, mulai merasa diawasi..

Step 7: Confrontation - Ending the relationship
Akhirnya terjadi konfrontasi, dan lu mengakhiri hubungan tersebut..

Step 8: Fallout - The unavoidable backlash
Tapi karena setiap hari ketemu, jadinya susah juga untuk menghindari sesuatu yang ga enak, seperti kalau ketemu masih buang muka, ngomong juga jadi ribet..

Step 9: Coexistence - Letting go and moving on
Nah, kalau uda sampe step 9 si enak.. Letting go, moving on.. Jadi uda enak ngomongnya..

So, sudah sampai tahap berapakah anda??

Monday, July 13, 2009

10 hal yang tidak boleh dikatakan cowo ke cewe

Barusan dapet link dari Abi (Thanks), tentang 10 hal yang cowo ga boleh ngomongin ke cewe. Gue coba sampaikan dengan cara gue ya :p

10. Anything bad about her guy friends - Mengatakan sesuatu yang buruk tentang temen cowonya..

YA IYA LAHHH, cowo manapun juga tau (harusnya), dimana-mana ga boleh tu ngejelek-jelekin cowo lain didepan dia, yang ada dia malah benci sama lu.. Contoh pembicaraan:
Co: "Eh lu tau ga, si A yang ngedeketin lu tu brengsek banget kalau sama cewe.."
Ce: "Eh masak si, mang kenapa.." Otak: "Siapa yang brengsek ya ngebackstab temen sendiri"


9. "I'll call you Friday"
Ending a phone conversation with a “next step” is a good technique if you’re trying to sell someone something, but not when you are talking to a woman. First of all, you are killing any spontaneity by being predictable. Second, you are also killing any chances of her calling you, as she has to now wait for your call or risk looking desperate. Not good.

Nah ini yang menarik nih.. Jangan pernah menjanjikan untuk menelpon lagi ke cewe, kenapa? Seperti yang udah ditulis diatas, kalau sampe kita udah ngejanjiin bakal telpon si cewe, kita itu udah bisa ditebak, ga bisa lagi tiba2 malem-malem telpon dengan sedikit kejutan :p.. Dan yang paling penting adalah, lu kehilangan kesempatan untuk ditelpon, kenapa? Ya iya la, lu uda bilang mau telpon, mana mau dia telpon lu lagi.. Hahahaha..

8. - Anything that hints at a "future"
Often when guys are hanging out with a woman for the first time and she mentions something she likes or likes to do, a guy will use that as an opportunity to hint at a future date. For example, she might say she loves Thai food, so you say, “Wow, so do I. We should go get Thai food sometime.” Stop, stop, stop, stop! While this sounds good in theory, you must remember that women not only want but need a guy who is somewhat of a “challenge.” If partway through the first date you are talking about hanging out again and again and again, she knows that you are really into her, which means the game is over and she has won. Sure, it’s nice to connect with someone when you first hang out with them, and of course you should want to do some fun activities together, but don’t let her know that she has “won you over” too quickly or you’ll come off just like every other guy she’s gone out with that is ready to “put a ring on it” after date No. 1.

7. - "How many guys have you slept with?"
First of all, do you really want to know? Second of all, again you are showing insecurity, especially if you ask this in the beginning. Sure, if she asks you first, go ahead. But trust me, you don’t want to be the one to start this conversation. You can only lose.

6 - "I left you a message the other day, but didn’t hear back. What happened?"
This might be the most common mistake guys make after not hearing back from a woman, and while it sounds trivial, it is a big one. It took me a long time to figure out what to do when a woman didn’t return one of my messages, but I finally figured out it’s best to just ignore it and proceed as if it never happened. If you mention an un-returned message to a woman you are doing two things: 1. Showing that you care that she didn’t return it. (Hint: If you just met a woman it is too soon to care!); and 2. Giving her a guilt trip, which women see as insecurity.

Woooo, ini yang paling oke, pernah ga ngalamin yang sms ga dibales, terus tanya "KOk ga bales sms gue..?" Kalau jawabannya pernah, maka STOP SEKARANG JUGA!
menurut site ini, kalau lu begitu, lu melakukan 2 hal
1. Nunjukkin lu tu butuh sama dia! Lu tu care sama dia! Jual mahal la dikit :p
2. Baca n artiin sendiri ya :p

5 - "Do you like me?"
If I had to pick out a single phrase that shuts a woman’s attraction switch off permanently, this is it. Asking a woman a question like this is the opposite of being confident. So don’t ask, just assume she likes you, and go from there. I mean, hey, who wouldn’t?

Ya artiin sendiri la masak ga bisa si? Intinya tetap pede! Tetap berasumsi dia itu suka sama lu!

4 - "What do you want to do tonight?"

There is a saying that a woman likes a “man with a plan,” and it is absolutely true. When you call a woman to hang out, make sure you have a game plan. Don’t put the burden on her or she won’t see you as the type of guy who can show her a good time.

Intinya, jangan merencanakan segala sesuatunya! Cewe itu suka kejutan, tiba2 diajak kemana, tiba2 diajak kemana.. Tapi jangan juga terlalu tanpa rencana bisa capek sendiri :p

3 - Anything about your car, job or house that sounds like you are trying to impress her
Do you know what kind of guys brag about their cars, jobs and houses to women? Well, the truth is a lot of different kinds of guys, but women put them all in one category: guys who have nothing else to offer. I’m serious, ask any attractive woman about this and she’ll agree. Sure, you may attract some women, but even those women will be far more impressed by your material possessions if you don't mention them in conversation.

Biarpun lu punya semua harta-harta ga jelas yang bisa bikin cewe ngiler, JANGAN DICERITAIN! Ga tau ya, cewe matre si oke aja kayaknya :p

2 - "Can I take you out on a date sometime?"
Similar to No. 1, a woman wants to be with a man who is a leader and in control, not someone who asks her permission to hit on her. Don’t ever ask a woman if you can take her out, just ask her out. But do it in a confident way. It can be as simple as saying, “We should hang out. What’s your number?” Or even telling her a specific place you want to take her: “Hey, let’s take a salsa lesson together, it will be fun!’

1 - "Can I kiss you?"
Ask any woman and she will tell you; a man should never “ask” for a kiss. Asking for a kiss goes against everything a woman is looking for in a man. You may as well just tell her right there that you are a boy. Her answer might be “yes” if she's being polite, but her attraction meter on the inside will read a firm, “no!”

For more great tips on how to meet women, getting phone numbers and email addresses from women easily and how to take things to a "physical" level smoothly, be sure to sign up for my free Dating Secrets Newsletter. It’s jam-packed with dozens and dozens of specific strategies you can start using tonight to get more dates.

Kalau ini lu lakukan, mati aja lu kelaut :))..

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Review BYON Chameleon N-610XP-GA

Ni mau review BYON Chameleon dikit.. hehe..

Intel Atom Processor*
Intel® Processor N270 (1.6 GHz, FSB 533, Cache 512KB)*
Intel 945GMS*
1 GB DDR2 SDRAM PC-5300*
1024 MB (1 DIMM)*
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 DVMT 64 MB (shared)*
10.2" WSVGA TFT*
1024 x 768* -> khusus yang ini, ga tau de, gue punya si maks 1024 x 600.. kopas dari bhinneka yang 1024 * 768..
Standard TFT*
160 GB 5400 RPM*
10 / 100 Mbps*
IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g*
QWERTY 82 keys*
Touch Pad*
2x USB 2.0, LAN, Audio
1.3 MP Webcamera**

BYON ini warnanya cuma ada hitam, dan casing luarnya kayak ada alur2nya gitu.. Andai dilengkapi warna lain mungkin gue akan ambil warna putih :p

Touchpad yang disediakan oleh si BYON ini seperti laptop biasa, cuma ga ada scrollnya aja. Jadi ada touchpad dan klik kiri dan klik kanan. Untuk masalah kenyamanan, hari ini gue pake tanpa mouse dan menurut gue ga ada keluhan lain kecuali ga ada scroll di touchpadnya

Monitor yang disediain BYON menurut gue bagus, untuk indoor si bagus, tapi untuk outdoor mungkin akan sedikit masalah jika cahaya yang ada silau.

Untuk keyboard, tidak banyak yang bisa dikatakan untuk netbook yang satu ini kecuali nyaman dan enak dipakai.. Jujur jari-jari gue cukup besar untuk ukuran manusia biasa :p, tapi untuk gue sendiri si nyaman dan bisa cepat untuk mengetik. Mungkin sedikit kekurangan dari keyboard BYON ini adalah, Home harus pencet Fn dl :p..

Untuk batre, ketika selesai charge full dilihat status bisa sampai 4 hour, belum pernah dicoba, tapi dari review2 forum si bisa 2 jam ntn HD Video. Untuk masalah lambat, belum pernah coba .NET atau program yang berat-berat, tapi selama ini (Firefox, YahooMessenger, iTunes, Excel). Sama sekali tidak berat. Jadi menurut gue si ini kayak PC dengan spec P4.

BYON ini dari sana dapetnya 1GB dan bisa dibilang pelit karena cuma ada slot satu saja. Dan dari dealernya si dibilangnya maksimum 2GB saja.

Dengan kamera 1.3MP untuk webcam si lumayan, tapi untuk ambil foto pribadi, atau foto-foto lain, menurut gue kurang.

Untuk network, ada Bluetooth, WiiFi, LAN Card, Modem. Nah untuk wiifi, lan card udah dicoba dan memuaskan. Untuk BINUS-Access cepat konek dan stabil (kecuali netbook dibawa jalan-jalan..)

Sekian dari gue review BYON. Penutup dari gue si kalau mau netbook dengan kemampuan average dan mobilitas tinggi serta harga yang murah, BYON ini patut dipertimbangkan, karena secara performance gue salut dengan netbook ini. Dan untuk harga, sekarang dibanderol dengan harga Rp. 3.690.000,- dan di PRJ dengan kartu kredit BCA bisa cicil dengan 0% selama 12 bulan, jadi sebulan itu hanya sekitar 310.000 (pembulatan). Sangat cocok untuk anda yang low-budget, dan mencari mobilitas dan performa yang lumayan.

Saingannya BYON adalah Axioo, Advan, Zyrex, ION.. Nah itu dari masing-masing si ada nama sendiri-sendiri, jadi kalau ditanya ke 10 orang mungkin akan rata sebarannya, tapi dari yang gue tau kalau BYON itu adalah anaknya ASUS (Info dari saudara gue yang kerja di Astrindo) jadi sparepart dan teknologi mewarisi dari ASUS. Sedangkan dari merk lokal lain itu meniru tapi dengan kualitas lokal. Itu info yang gue dapet, kalau ada salah mohon diralat. Jadi gue sendiri pede dengan BYON.

Kalau kalian mencari netbook merk luar gue saranin Lenovo Ideapad S10, Asus EEE PC 1000 HE. Kalau mau merk lokal dengan harga luar dan fitur yang oke, Axioo 3G, uda include modem. Jadi untuk memilih netbook harap perhatikan:
1. Fungsi yang ingin anda dapatkan
2. Budget anda

Dan bila anda ingin membeli netbook, saran saya sendiri langsung jatuhkan pilihan dan beli, jangan kelamaan mempertimbangkan malah ga jadi-jadi.. hahaha..

Sekian dari woke

Friday, May 22, 2009

Miracle of Giving Fool

Kemaren gue baru nonton film korea, yang menurut gue bagus. Gue pribadi kasih nilai 4 dari 5.

Ni ada sedikit penjelasan dari

Or otherwise known in Korea as Babo (fool in Korean), the story takes place with the talented pianist Ji-Ho (Ha Ji Won) who returns home from Europe after she gets stage fright. When arriving in her home town, she is greeted by her childhood classmate, Sung-Ryong (Cha Tae-Hyon), who is mentally ill. While Ji Ho may have forgotten him, Sung-Ryong has always remembers and loved her. Along with Ji Ho, he also deeply cares for his sister Jee-In (who is completely ashamed of him; Park Ha-Seon) and Sang Soo (his best friend; Park Hee-Sun). As the story progresses, each of Sung-Ryong’s loved ones are approached with difficult situations where Sung-Ryong saves them in a surprising way.

Review: 4 out of 5
I’ve wanted to see this movie since it came out in Korean theaters back in February but didn’t get my hands on the DVD till last night.

I really enjoyed this movie mainly because of the innocent love that Sung-Ryong has for Ji-Ho. Also that fact that Cha Tae-Hyon (My Sassy Girl) is in it is a plus. The plot wasn’t that interesting to me at first (reminded me a lot of Miracle on 1st Street which Ha Ji Won was also in) and the story did progressed a bit slow; however, watching Sung-Ryong and Ji-Ho hang out made me go “aw” multiple times which made the movie worth finishing. Even though Ji-Ho will probably never love Sung-Ryong just as much as he loves her, their relationship was very heart-felt as “Sung-Ryong never lies”.

The one annoying aspect of the movie was how Jee-In, Sun-Ryong’s sister, was so unappreciative then again that’s part of the story. Regardless of her selfishness, he still loves her proving how pure and true his love is for his friends and family.

It’s definitely a chick flick but worth the watch if you love this feel good movies; however, if you’re a softie like me, you’ll be crying a lot throughout the movie.

Jadi awalnya itu ceritanya, ada seorang bodoh yang cuma bisa manggang roti, dan sejak beberapa tahun terakhir (10 tepatnya) dia menunggu seseorang untuk kembali kekampungnya tersebut. Dan akhirnya orang yang ditunggu itu pulang juga ke kampung halaman tersebut (CANTIK!), dan The Fool tersebut sangat senang karena orang yang ditunggu sudah pulang. Terus lama-lama si wanita cantik ini nemenin the fool terus, dan keliatan banget si fool ini tu lugu, polos.

the fool ini punya adik yang bisa dibilang menolak keberadaan kakaknya ini, mungkin karena malu (SANGAT TIDAK DISARANKAN!). Padahal si kakaknya ini (fool) selalu setiap pagi buatin roti panggang buat si ade, selalu peduli. Si fool ini juga punya tmen baik dari sekolah dulu, yang terlibat ma gangster.

Lalu..... Nonton sendiri deh ya :p.. Yang kenal ma gue, boleh titip flashdisk ntar dikopikan :D.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Back to the Future (Indonesian Version)

Suatu waktu dibumi, ada UFO yang mendarat. Ketika UFO itu terbuka, ada sesuatu yang berjalan menghampiri kami. Beberapa saat kemudian kami mencoba untuk mengidentifikasi benda apakah itu, Ya Tuhan! Itu adalah manusia, tapi, tapi, sangat tidak mirip manusia, jelek, sangat jelek. Dia berkata bahwa dia datang dari masa depan dan dia ingin mengatakan sesuatu kepada kita, kepada semua manusia. Ini adalah yang dia katakan:

Aku hidup di tahun 2070.

Aku berumur 50 tahun, tetapi kelihatan seperti sudah 85 tahun.
Aku mengalami banyak masalah kesehatan,
terutama masalah ginjal karena aku minum sangat sedikit air putih.
Aku fikir aku tidak akan hidup lama lagi.
Sekarang, aku adalah orang yang paling tua di lingkunganku.

Aku teringat disaat aku berumur 5 tahun
Semua sangat berbeda.
Masih banyak pohon di hutan dan tanaman hijau di sekitar,
setiap rumah punya halaman dan taman yang indah,
dan aku sangat suka bermain air dan mandi sepuasnya.
Sekarang, kami harus membersihkan diri hanya dengan handuk sekali pakai
yang dibasahi dengan minyak mineral.

Sebelumnya, rambut yang indah adalah kebanggaan semua perempuan.
Sekarang, kami harus mencukur habis rambut untuk membersihkan kepala tanpa menggunakan air.
Sebelumnya, ayahku mencuci mobilnya dengan menyemprotkan air langsung dari keran ledeng.
Sekarang, anak-anak tidak percaya bahwa dulunya air bisa digunakan untuk apa saja.

Aku masih ingat seringkali ada pesan yang mengatakan:
Tapi tak seorangpun memperhatikan pesan tersebut.
Orang beranggapan bahwa air tidak akan pernah habis karena persediaannya yang tidak terbatas.
Sekarang, sungai, danau, bendungan dan air bawah tanah semuanya telah tercemar atau sama sekali kering.

Pemandangan sekitar yang terlihat hanyalah gurun-gurun pasir yang tandus.
Infeksi saluran pencernaan, kulit dan penyakit saluran kencing sekarang menjadi penyebab kematian nomor satu.

Industri mengalami kelumpuhan, tingkat pengangguran mencapai angka yang sangat dramatik.
Pekerja hanya dibayar dengan segelas air minum per harinya.

Banyak orang menjarah air di tempat-tempat yang sepi.
80% makanan adalah makanan sintetis.

Sebelumnya, rekomendasi umum untuk menjaga kesehatan adalah
minum sedikitnya 8 gelas air putih setiap hari.
Sekarang, aku hanya bisa minum setengah gelas air setiap hari.

Sejak air menjadi barang langka, kami tidak mencuci baju,
pakaian bekas pakai langsung dibuang,
yang kemudian menambah banyaknya jumlah sampah.
Kami menggunakan septic tank untuk buang air,
seperti pada masa lampau, karena tidak ada air.

Manusia di jaman kami kelihatan menyedihkan: tubuh sangat lemah;
kulit pecah-pecah akibat dehidrasi; ada banyak koreng dan luka akibat
banyak terpapar sinar matahari karena lapisan ozon dan atmosfir bumi semakin habis.

Karena keringnya kulit, perempuan berusia 20 tahun kelihatan seperti telah berumur 40 tahun.
Para ilmuwan telah melakukan berbagai investigasi dan penelitian, tetapi tidak menemukan jalan keluar.
Manusia tidak bisa membuat air.
Sedikitnya jumlah pepohonan dan tumbuhan hijau membuat ketersediaan oksigen sangat berkurang,
yang membuat turunnya kemampuan intelegensi generasi mendatang.

Morphology manusia mengalami perubahan...
…yang menghasilkan anak-anak dengan berbagai
masalah defisiensi, mutasi, dan malformasi.

Pemerintah bahkan membuat pajak atas udara yang kami hirup:
137 m3 per orang per hari. [31,102 galon]
Bagi siapa yang tidak bisa membayar pajak ini akan dikeluarkan dari
“kawasan ventilasi” yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan paru-paru mekanik raksasa
bertenaga surya yang menyuplai oksigen.
Udara yang tersedia di dalam “kawasan ventilasi” tidak berkulitas baik,
tetapi setidaknya menyediakan oksigen untuk bernafas.
Umur hidup manusia rata-rata adalah 35 tahun.

Beberapa negara yang masih memiliki pulau bervegetasi mempunyai sumber air sendiri.
Kawasan ini dijaga dengan ketat oleh pasukan bersenjata.
Air menjadi barang yang sangat langka dan berharga, melebihi emas atau permata.

Disini ditempatku tidak ada lagi pohon karena sangat jarang turun hujan. Kalaupun hujan, itu adalah hujan asam.
Tidak dikenal lagi adanya musim. Perubahan iklim secara global terjadi di abad 20 akibat efek rumah kaca dan polusi.
Kami sebelumnya telah diperingatkan bahwa sangat penting untuk menjaga kelestarian alam, tetapi tidak ada yang peduli.

Pada saat anak perempuanku bertanya bagaimana keadaannya ketika aku masih muda dulu,
aku menggambarkan bagaimana indahnya hutan dan alam sekitar yang masih hijau.
Aku menceritakan bagaimana indahnya hujan, bunga, asyiknya bermain air, memancing di sungai,
dan bisa minum air sebanyak yang kita mau.
Aku menceritakan bagaimana sehatnya manusia pada masa itu.

Dia bertanya:
- Ayah! Mengapa tidak ada air lagi sekarang ?
Aku merasa seperti ada yang menyumbat tenggorokanku...

Aku tidak dapat menghilangkan perasaan bersalah,
karena aku berasal dari generasi yang menghancurkan alam dan lingkungan dengan
tidak mengindahkan secara serius pesan-pesan pelestarian...
dan banyak orang lain juga!
Aku berasal dari generasi yang sebenarnya bisa merubah keadaan,
tetapi tidak ada seorangpun yang melakukan.

Sekarang, anak dan keturunanku yang harus menerima akibatnya.

Sejujurnya, dengan situasi ini kehidupan di planet bumi tidak akan lama lagi punah,
karena kehancuran alam akibat ulah manusia sudah mencapai titik akhir.

Aku berharap untuk bisa kembali ke masa lampau dan meyakinkan umat manusia untuk mengerti apa yang akan terjadi ...
... Pada saat itu masih ada kemungkinan dan waktu bagi kita untuk melakukan upaya menyelamatkan planet bumi ini!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Okay, I know what you think when you read the Title

"It's April already, and this guy is having a new year's resolution?"

Hahaha.. In fact, I got this writing at new year, but I haven't got the time to post, until I forgot eventually.

So here it goes:

I finally wrote at my blog at the new year (2009).

I want to share something from the 31st December 2009.

At this time, the holiday "jazz" is getting bigger, so i decide to text some of my friends, as Hamaya (just hamaya instead :p) to ask him, do you have any plans on spending the new year's eve. So i got the news that some of my old friend, like toto, uskup, ndoy, dll have a plan, they want to go karaoke at gading and spend some time at Toto's house. But the problem is, i have no idea what is the transport, what time, where do we meet before we go to gading. So i decide to wait the latest news. Until peje's text arrive at my mobile phone, he was asking me to go to his house at Bogor, i think it's not a terrible plan (except i must go from jakarta to bogor :p).

So i go from my house to my dorm to take some stuff, like Gamecube, some clothing, etc. And i went to Stasiun Kota a.k.a BEOS, i went there by bus, busway exactly. At the Grogol stop, i wait for the busway which going to take me to BEOS. There i feel weird, because there is a man who can't stop pushing me, an old guy actually. So the story goes, i was in Busway. And i feel "Oh, my pocket got lighter i think.." when i reach my pocket, and there it goes.. My Phone is missing, my first reaction is "OH MY GOD, MY PHONE!!", i want to yel, but i think there's no use to create that kind of panic at the busway..

So i just go easy on the incident, there's no regret that i am not keeping my phone safely. Afterall it's all my fault, i was careless putting the phone at my pocket, not safe at all. Btw, after a short time, i arrived at Harmoni. And after i got off the bus from Grogol, i spend some time, thinking the incident, how i was so careless, just reviewing all my mistake.

And i think, where do i must go, there are some possibilities, like:
1. Go to my house
2. Go to my dorm
3. Continue to Bogor

And my consideration are:
1. If i go back to home, i was carrying some nintendo gamecube that was supposed played by my friend at bogor. And i wasn't ready to deliver the story that i lost my phone :p. It's kind of embarassing though, because i was the one who always confident at my caution at this kind of incident :p
2. What would i do at my dorm, nonsense :p
3. If i want to go to Bogor, can i be happy during the new year's eve? how can i continue my journey, if i wasn't carrying any communication device?

And the decision goes to~~~~~ Number 3 :p.. My consideration is, without me my friend have no entertainment, because i got the gamecube. And i think i deserve a cheering situation after this incident :D..

The story end.

But i have something to say about my incident. First of all, i realize that there is so many IF in this incident..
1. If i dont decide to go to Bogor
2. If i dont get careless
3. If i decide to spend the new year's eve at home
4. If i decide to spend new year's eve with Vici
5. etc

And it all to one conclusion, "I wouldn't lost my phone" :p.. But i remember what Dr. Phil said at Rachel Ray at Metro TV.. "GOD HAVE A PLAN FOR YOU, YOU DONT GET A VOTE", so what i did at the point, i accept all what happenned and it feels good :p.. I was an emotional guy before, if i didn't think straight, i would have explode :p.. Throwing all my anger to everyone.. But with this incident, i really got the "jazz". I realize that all happened for a reason. Wait, i think this is a new year's resolution :p.

So with this incident i got a resolution for 2009. More Patience :p.. Control the emotion..

So, that's a little story bout my new year's eve. And yeah I've lost my phone, I first phone that I really buy with my own money. :D.

I'm out!

Friday, March 27, 2009

60 earth hour

At first, I really don't know what it is. So I decide to Google it a bit. And this is the answer:

First of all, you must have realize what global warming has done to us, to our earth. It's getting hotter everyday, carbon is filling the lung of little one (B.E.P's lyric). So what are we going to do with this condition? Just wait for the government or WWF to act? The answer is no! We must act for ourselves, effective and immediate!

But the question is still there, What exactly can we do to stop this climate change? In Indonesia, the effect is really about climate change, at my elementary school, I used to learn that dry season is around April - October, and the raining season is around October - April. But this day, that lesson is about to change I think, because it's the opposite. The fact is no one knows when it's raining season or dry season, only God knows (I really doubt it though).

So enter your vote now!
Earth or Global Warming?

8:30PM local time, wherever you live on planet earth. Saturday 28 March 2009

So this Earth hour is an act to try save the world, and the action is really simple. All you got to do is turn off all your electric source appliance for one hour. Simply black out your house! What's the effect for getting our house black out? I got one message yesterday, that says this

One hour of the blackout, we save about 300 Megawatt.
It's enough for around 900 village.
We save 200 million rupiahs.
We reduced CO2 emission about 284 ton.
We save about 284 trees.
We produce clean air for about 568 person.
So as you think it's simple, DO IT!

One hour! You, me, us can save the Earth!

Earth Hour


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Saving Coins at BCA (Bank Central Asia)

If you have any coins to save to the bank like this

then you should arrange the coins to ten multiplication, like this

Because, if you didn't arrange like that, you're going to arrange that at the bank, with everybody is looking at you.

That's happened to me, because I didn't arrange it before, then I'm stuck at the Bank for about an hour to arrange coins. *sigh*

Monday, March 23, 2009

Info Bicycle Credit - Polygon

I want to give you some information for Credit Method payment for Polygon Bicycle.

Polygon works with FIF to give we an easy method to pay the bicycle for 6 months without any Down Payment (DP), and no interest (0%).

There's only 2 variant bike for this method:
1. Hybrid Bike
2. B2W Bike

Hybrid Bike consists of several bike:
1. Orion Click Here
2. Heist Click Here
3. Trexia Click Here
4. Vintage Click Here
5. Waltz Click Here
6. Xabre Click Here
7. Galleon Click Here

B2w bike is another different bike, because that is a bike that Polygon specially design for B2W Community. Click Here

For Everyone who wants to use bike for daily activity, and feels that the price is too expensive, can use this method to make your expenses less.

For me, I will choose Waltz, I hope this month the bike will be mine. Oh yeah, for the credit process it will take usually 2 weeks.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nice Emoticon Pack (2)

Because of the last emoticon went bad, the layout is so messy. I decided to post 5-10 emoticon per day ;). Keep reading my blog ;).

And my mood today is definitely sleepy! I only got 2 hours sleep >.<, but I'm glad that Arsenal won, plus that MU and Chelsea lose. And the emoticon for that condition is

*Whistling over Arsenal's victory*

Hope today went well!

Premier League

Okay, a little update with Premier League.

1. MU lose against Fulham, 0-2
2. Chelsea loses against Tottenham, 0-1
3. Arsenal WINS against Newcastle, 3-1

The three news is good news :p. Arsenal find their beauty of the game (finally!!), and that's dominantly because of Steven Talor's out. but we play a decent game.

MOTM : Persie with 2 assists!

I left you with some pics!

Up - Down: Luka Modric (Tottenham); Bobby Zamora (Fulham), Paul Scholes (MU); Martins(NU), Almunia *saves* (Arsenal);

Enjoy for tonight!

Proliga Advertisement, Paul Scholes Style!

After watching MU vs Fulham, I was laughing about the final score 2-0 for Fulham. But more interesting one is Paul Scholes with his "Block".

It reminded me

Breaking News
*Almunia saves penalty*
End of breaking news


It reminded me of Indonesian Proliga advertisement. The concept of the advertisement is volleyball has spread all over Indonesia and everybody is playing volleyball.

A similar photo huh? Above is a volley player who block smash, the other photo shows Scholes blocking Zamora header.

Laughing Out Loud

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bike to work

A few moment ago, I've been thinking to buy a bike to go to work, and go to other places. I've been having difficulty to go around places because the lack of transportation :p, been depending on my friends to go to other stuff.

And the fact that I'm ending my contract and becoming a Permanent Employee, I will receive a bonus that equals to three times of my wage. So I will have no financial consideration to buy a bike, because I have the money :p.

So when talking to buy a bike, there's a lot of the bike that being on the market, so I really get confused with the choices. So I decided to choose based on price :p. Under 2 million is okay with my wallet. But there's another choices to be made, whether I choose Folding Bike, or an usual Mountain Bike

Here the images:
Folding Bike

Mountain Bike

There's come consideration about the two bike:
1. Folding Bike is more mobile, because we can fold it
2. Mountain Bike is more likely to travel far

I'm so confused with the two option. And finally I decided to buy a folding bike (around 1.6 million), and then I buy a Mountain Bike on credit method (6 month, around 300 thousand rupiahs a month). I don't have much money, but I just love hobby :p.

I will buy a folding bike -> this one.

And having a credit on the other bike -> this one.

Not showing that I got the money to buy 2 bike, but I'm suggesting you to use a bike instead a motorcycle. No Gasoline, and got the healthy life :D.

Some people saying that buying a bike is expensive, but think the bright side, the money you save, the health you got, etc.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

IM Acronyms

IM Acronyms

  • AFAIK: As Far As I Know
  • AKA: Also Known As
  • ASAP: As Soon As Possible
  • BAK: Back At Keyboard
  • BBL: Be Back Later
  • BCNU: Be Seeing You
  • B4N: Bye For Now
  • BRB: Be Right Back
  • BTW: By The Way
  • dn: Double Nil*
  • F2F: Face To Face
  • FWIW: For What It's Worth
  • FYA: For Your Amusement
  • FYI: For Your Information
  • gc: Good Cover*
  • GFY: Good For You
  • gg: Good Game*
  • GGBB: Gotta Go Bye Bye
  • GL: Good Luck
  • GMTA: Great Minds Think Alike
  • G2G: Got To Go
  • GTGB: Got To Go Bye
  • HAGD: Have a Good Day*
  • HAGE: Have a Good Evening*
  • HAGN: Have a Good Night*
  • hb: Hurry Back (Used after someone says 'BRB')*
  • ILU: Love You
  • IDK: I Don't Know
  • IM: Instant Message
  • IM ME: Instant Message Me
  • IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
  • IMO In My Opinion
  • INALB: I'm Not A Lawyer But
  • IOH: I'm Outta Here
  • IOW: In Other Words
  • IRL: In Real Life
  • ITS: I Told You So
  • KIT: Keep In Touch
  • LOL: Laughing Out Loud
  • LTL: Lets Talk Later
  • LTNC: Long Time No Chat
  • LTNS: Long Time No See
  • LU: Looking Up
  • MAYB: Maybe
  • NM: Nothing Much
  • nnp: Nice Nil, Parner*
  • np: No Problem*
  • npp: No Problem, Parner*
  • NRN: No Reply Necessary
  • NYO: Need Your Opinion
  • p: Parner*
  • PDQ: Pretty Darn Quick
  • PLS: Please
  • PMFJI: Pardon Me For Jumping In
  • POS: Parents Over Shoulder Change Subject
  • POV: Point Of View
  • ROTFL: Rolling On The Floor Laughing
  • RSN: Real Soon Now
  • RTFM: Read The Fascinating Manual
  • sry: Sorry*
  • SRSLY: Seriously
  • ss: So Sorry*
  • STFU: Shut The (Flip) Up
  • TIA: Thanks In Advance
  • TMI: Too Much Info
  • TTFN: Ta Ta For Now
  • TTYL: Talk To You Later
  • TTYS: Talk To You Soon
  • TU: Thank You
  • TX: Thanks
  • TY: Thank You
  • TYVM: Thank You Very Much
  • UKW: You Know Who
  • U: You
  • U2: You Too
  • UW: You Wish
  • WB: Welcome Back

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Radith loves Jani, Logic vs Feeling!

Yesterday I bought some movies at Alfamart, it's an Indonesian movies, and I didn't expected much of this film, but because my shopping adrenaline really need to buy this movie, and it's kind of cheap though, around Rp. 29.000,- (US$ 2) so I bought it and I watched it.

Here's the cover :D

The synopsis from the back of the cover is interesting though.

Radit dan Jani (panggilan Anjani) adalah pasangan muda yang nekat menikah walau mendapat tentangan dari orang tua Jani. tanpe bekal uang dan pekerjaan tetap, kehidupan yang keras harus mereka jalani. Apalagi ketergantungan Radit terhadap obat-obatan terlarang membuat langkah mereka semakin berat. Namum, mereka tetap bersatu menjadi pasangan yang bahagia dan penuh cinta.

Pada suatu hari, Jani mendapati dirinya hamil. Tiba-tiba mereka dibangunkan oleh kenyataan, bahwa hidup mereka harus berubah. Radit berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tetap dan ebrhenti menggunakan narkoba, agar ia bisa membahagiakan Jani dan memberi masa depan kepada anak mereka. Akan berhasilkah usaha Radit? Sebesar apakah cinta yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat menghalau semua rintangan kenyataan?

The point is that there is a couple that is so in love, but had a rough life. The husband is a drug user, have no permanent job. At some point they realize that they have to change, Jani (wife) is pregnant, and Radith wants to change, wants to get a permanent job, stop using drugs.

Before watching, after reading the synopsis, I just think that this is going to be an ordinary film, that the bad guys going to be good guys and live happily after. BUT, this is changed when I watched the movie.

A little about the movie:
Radith and Jani lived a happily life, getting high, hangover, and having sex everywhere. Sometimes they do crime, this is a scene that I think it's funny, Jani (wife) playing all naughty with a shop keeper, while Radith (husband) steal some food and drinks from behind.

Radith have a job though, a Valet Parking driver but he got kicked out because he sometimes steal thing from the car (ridicolous as it sound, but this happened!). Sometimes when he was finding a job, he got into a mess with the shop owner who doesn't want to give him work.

Jani have a job too, as a dishwasher, but kicked out because her style is like a hooker.

Sometimes they go to Jani's parents to borrow some money, but her father got so stubborn to give them some money. But the interesting part is, how Jani won't leave Radith at any cost, "He make me happy..", she always says that. At this point, my brain is singing 2 song, Logic and Feeling. This is a conversation that's happening while watching:

Logic: "How foolish that women is! He obviously can't provide anything. Their relationship based on love, how ridicolous!"
Feeling: "Hey, as long as she is happy, it doesn't matter"
Logic: "Yeah, keep talking, let's see how this movie ends, I bet on my pants that Radith will leave Jani!"
Feeling: "I don't think so, I think they're gonna stick together"

In the end, Radith is giving Jani back to their parents. And at the end of the movie, Jani have another husband (I think her parents told her to get married again). And Radith comes to see Jani and giving Kirana (their daughter name) a gift.

After watching the movie, I feel that Indonesian Film is finally evolving (Not with the ghost theme anymore). Few things too learn from this movie:
(Logic speaks)
1. Junkie is still Junkie!
2. Everybody lies!
3. Rehabilitation from drug is not easy, Radith comes back to drug after one night locked up at his room (the reality is like this, SO DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT DRUGS! It only give's us a temporary pleasure and permanent damage)
4. Don't love someone if you can't make her happy!
5. Don't tell someone you're happy unless you are really happy (who will say I am happy, when I was hungry and got no money, BULLSHIT!)
6. Living on your own is hard

Okay, that's the ugly part :p, now is the bright side
(Feeling Speaks)
1. With love, everybody can be happy
2. Keep trying to make your wife/husband to be happy, they will be happy anyway.
3. Living a live with no one but your beloved one still is beautiful.

Okay, now I feel that I have a MPD ==' (Multiple Personality Disorder).. ROFL! Okay, that's about Logic vs Feeling, Logic WINS with unanimous decision from the 3 judges :p..

The End~

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nice Emoticon Pack

Mensana in corporesano!*errrrrFeeling beat upGood Dream*Kyaaa*Tired
What's thatHuaaaaaThat's amazing
Crying all over*Suspicious**Ignoring you
*haaaaahhh????!!!??Hatchi!! Hatchi!! Snort all over
Now we got businessWTF!!!I'm hurt
I'm burning!! Arrrghhhhh!!OMG!
*Feeling like crap*I'm ninja!*Meowww*
What the hell!TerrorismWhat a pretty girl out there..
Blushing all aroundHave a nice dayFake smile
Spraying all aroundI'm evil!Listening to my playlist..
I am dizzySpitting all aroundOMG!
Boo! Arrrghhhh.. Damn!Sleepy....
*Thinking something that's bad*Feeling happy eventually.

So, what's emotion today?