Halooo semuanyaaaa....
Apa kabar?? Tentunya baik donk..
End of basa-basiMau cerita tentang satu cara penipuan baru (ga baru-baru amat sih), namanya
419 FraudWah judulnya aneh ya :p..
Jadi begini ceritanya, gue mengalami sendiri usaha penipuan ini (banyak sebenernya..)
Mulai CeritaPada suatu hari, gue dapet email yang begini bunyinya
-----Inline Attachment Follows----- From: Mr Djibril Mousa
African Development Bank
Burkina Faso (ADB)
Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso .
Dear friend,
I am writting to seek your coperation over this business, Please due welcome this letter.
I am Mr Djibril Mousa the director of the accounts & auditing dept .at the African Development Bank Ouagadougou-west Africa . (A D B) With due respect, I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be beneficial to both of us.
At the bank's last accounts/auditing evaluations, my staffs came across an old account which was being maintained by a foreign client who we learnt was among the deceased passengers of motor accident on November. 2003, the deceased was unable to run this account since his death. The account has remained dormant without the knowledge of his family since it was put in a safe deposit account in the bank for future investment by the client.
Since his demise, even the members of his family haven't applied for claims over this fund and it has been in the safe deposit account until I discovered that it cannot be claimed since our client is a foreign national and we are sure that he has no next of kin here to file claims over the money. As the director of the department, this discovery was brought to my office so as to decide what is to be done. I decided to seek ways through which to transfer this money out of the bank and out of the country too.
The total amount in the account is ten million five hundred thousand dollars (USD 10,500,000.00).with my positions as staffs of the bank, I am handicapped because I cannot operate foreign accounts and cannot lay bonafide claim over this money. The client was a foreign national and you will only be asked to act as his next of kin and I will supply you with all the necessary information and bank data to assist you in being able to transfer this money to any bank of your choice where this money could be transferred into.
I have decided to give away forty (40%) to you for your assistance and ten (10%) for any expenses that might arise during the transaction of this transfer, I want to assure you that this transaction is absolutely risk free since I work in this bank that is why you should be confident in the success of this transaction because you will be updated with information as at when desired.
I will wish you to keep this transaction secret and confidential as I am hoping to retire with my share of this money at the end of transaction which will be when this money is safety in your account. I will then come over to your country for sharing according to the previously agreed percentages. You might even have to advise me on possibilities of investment in your country or elsewhere of our choice. May God help you to help me to a restive retirement, Amen.
Please for further information and enquiries feel free to contact me back immediately for more explanation and better understanding.
I am waiting for your urgent response!!!
Thanks and remain blessed.
Mr Djibril Mousa
Nah, kalau yang males bacanya, lihat intinya aja..
Bahwa dia adalah staff dari Bank ADB (African Development Bank), dan ada client dia yang meninggal dan meninggalkan (emang aneh bahasanya) uang sebesar $10.000.000 (baca: Sepuluh Juta Dollar). Karena ga ada saudara siclient, jadi duitnya itu ga bisa diambil (padahal kan gede, dan menggiurkan :p). Dia mau nyuruh gue klaim jadi saudaranya dan dia mau bagi 40% ke gue, 50% buat dia, dan 10% untuk biaya2 yang muncul ditengah2 proses.
Intinya begitu kan :D. Siapapun yang menerima email ini, sangat tergoda tentunya untuk mendapatkan $4.000.000 (baca: empat juta dollar), toh cuma ngeklaim doank. Gue juga tergoda, tergoda banget, gila lu, bisa pensiun muda gue.. wakakakaka..
Tapi dunia tak seindah itu bung!!!!!
Gue mulai cari2 di google tentang yang begini-beginian, dapet lah kata
419 Fraud. Jadi begini ceritanya, ternyata fraud (baca: penipuan) sudah banyak terjadi di Nigeria dan negara-negara afrika lainnya. Sampe-sampe, pemerintahnya bikin KUHP pasal 419 (mulai ngerti kannnn kenapa disebut 419 Fraud).
Nah penipuan kayak gini, udah jelas jalannya kemana, pasti dia minta untuk transfer uang, atau bahkan minta kita kenegaranya untuk maen-maen (dapet 4 juta dollar, keluar 50rb dollar?? no prob lahhh).
Udah jelas kan kemana arahnya??????? Kalau dia minta transfer, pasti kita transfer, karena kita udah percaya dan tergiur dengan tawarannya. TAPIIII, gue orang Indonesia yang ga mudah percaya orang, jadi jelas kan, gue pasti cari Om Google yang punya segudang (ga cuma satu sih pastinya) untuk cari info tentang ini :D. (AKhirnya tau kan kenapa mesti bangga jadi orang Indonesia.. hohohohohho..). Bahkan untuk yang lebih parahnya, setelah kita kenegara dia, kita diculik, dan bisa-bisa kita dibunuh (wedew, 4 juta dollar!!!!!! nyawa gue ga semurah itu!!!)
INTINYA, Email diatas dan sejenis adalah SPAMMM!!!!!!
DONT EVER EVER (baca: Jangan Pernah pernah) BE TRICKED BY THIS EMAIL!!!!!!!
Oke sekian dan terima kasih..
Proud to be Indonesian!!!!
Wikipedia - Advanced Free FraudEhhhh, belum selesaiiii, gue udah ada sekitar 4 email yang isinya beginian, kebanyakan gue layanin aja (karena gue iseng dan ga ada kerjaan, lebihnya karena gue masih NGAREP punya duit banyak, waakakakakakaka)....
Pernah ada sekali, dia minta transfer untuk buat tabungan sekitar 1500 dollar (15.000.000 boo, mana ada duit gue >.<), dan gue bilang aja biar dia talangin dulu dan nanti dipotong dari bagian gue.. (pinter kannnn... hohohohoho..)
Selesai CeritaIntinya :
(Sori kalau menggeneralisasi)
Orang Indonesia =
- Pinter
- Iseng
- ga ada kerjaan
- Ga mudah percaya orang
Google tentang 419 Fraud